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Essendon Village Hall is a registered charity No.263175. The land and the building on it were leased to the Parish Council by the church for the benefit of the Essendon community under a deed of trust in 1954 and it has been a key part of the village ever since.  The hall is run voluntarily by a committee of local residents representing different aspects of village life. We always welcome new members to the committee so if you are interested get in touch or look out for details of our AGM in November.  



The hall has parking for approximately 10-12 cars.

Essendon is a small village though, and we ask you to be considerate of residents when attending events to ensure roads remain passable especially for emergency vehicles. Remember, if a fire engine can't get past, it's not a safe place to park.  

Car parking changes.jpg


This link will take you to the 2022/2023 accounts for the hall. Our financial year goes from 1st Oct - 30th Sep and our accounts are independently verified ahead of the AGM in November.

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